Sat, Feb

In the evening, the General Delegate of the Institutes, Fr Juan Manuel Galaviz, introduced the programme. The Superior General, Fr. Silvio Sassi,  who will be with us until the end of the meeting,  highlighted the encounter as bearing a noteworthy importance for the Congregation. 

On Sunday morning, the celebration of Lauds and the Eucharist were presided by Fr. Galaviz.  It was followed by the talk of Fr. Silvio Sassi: a precise historical carismatic excursus on the cultural and ecclesial context of the Founder, on the project, actualisation and evolution of the Pauline Family, and in particular, of the Pauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life. 

In the afternoon were the presentations of Br. Lorenzo Vezzani, on the anagraphical data of the Pauline Institutes, and of  Fr. Norman Pena, on the teaching of Fr. Alberione on the Pauline Institutes found in the websites of the Congregation.
The first day of Conference, lived in a climate of pleasant welcome and sharing, closed with the reports of the Work Groups, which took place after the talk of Fr. Sassi.  Everyone proceeded then for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration inspired by the presence of Jesus Master Priest.

Fr. Angelo De Simone
“Casa Divin Maestro” (Ariccia), 13 September 2009



International Meeting of Delegates VSC (2009)