In the auditorium, Fr. Galaviz, with lucid precision , responded to the questions concerning items which are still open, written by those who desire and placed inside the question box during these days. The final report on the meeting was read that evaluated results and prospective proposals. 17 of the 18 delegates approved the report.
Fr. Silvio Sassi, who was always with us during these days, summarised the conclusions. He highlighted the historical value of this event as bearing the perspective of creative fidelity to the Charism received from the Spirit and the work of our founder.
After the Eucharistic celebration presided by the Superior general, we had lunch in a climate of particular cordiality and feast. Afterwards everyone headed for home with an ample baggage of much and new experiences which everyone was contented to live and testify.
Fr. Angelo De Simone
Ariccia, “Casa “Divin Maestro”, 18 September 2009